I’ve read thousands of books, some of them, hundreds of times. But yours. Your words were so raw, so tragically poetic, as if God whispered the words to you as you typed them out. So overwhelming that I literally felt as if God was sitting right beside me. I was moved by every single page. Some I could relate to, some really reminded me of my younger brother, and mostly my daughters. Their father isn’t present. My daughter walked into my room as I was reading this morning, and she asked what it was about. I told her she could read it when she was much older, but that it was mostly about how God could help us through just about anything. And then I told her I loved her. She responded accordingly and I said “You do know that right? In your heart or hearts, you know that I love you and your sister with everything in me, right? You KNOW? You feel that?” And she said “Yes, mommy. don’t be silly. Can we have frozen coffee?” Lol. I see the words that you wrote about your mom and I can only pray that my daughters think similarly of me when they’re older. I wanted to thank you for your words. I wanted to thank you for sharing your story. And to tell you how proud I am of you and your strength. The title of chapter 11 alone spoke volumes to me. It actually helped me let go of something I’ve been holding on to for far too long. Victim or Victorious. I choose victorious. I just wanted you to know how much your story meant to me. Thank you. Because of you, I felt God right next to me this morning.
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