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Givers & Takers

Givers and Takers Can we be too nice that we find ourselves surrounded by takers? They enter our life and over a period of time continue to take from us while they are there. They can even leave us exhausted with nothing remaining for ourselves. Remember takers don’t...

Do Unto Others… hmmm

“I am concerned that as a society we have strayed away from mutual respect of one another.” – Dan Nixon The idea of thinking of others before ourselves seems like a fading concept. We have become as so self-focused and perhaps by doing so have...

You Are Not a Number Have you ever worked for a company or served with an organization where you felt like a number, just a body, just someone to do a task without a name or face, and were made to seem insignificant? It may be that whoever was leading you made you...

Mountain Top

Sometimes God calls us to the mountain and says, “Let’s talk!” It’s in that encountering moment that the Holy Spirit draws up to a deep and rich place in the presence of Jehovah. There He brings revelation to our life. When is the last time you...


We all carry an internal need to be loved, valued, and appreciated. Sometimes we spend a lifetime trying to find something such as a job, career, car, or someone to fill that need. When the thing we turned to stops filling, the new wears off, or fails to meet our...
What would Jesus say if He walked into our church today…

What would Jesus say if He walked into our church today…

Oof – The moment when the internal frustration has reached a peaked temperature and expounds a release. I wonder if Jesus experienced that moment when He walked into the temple and saw the money changers using the church for other means not its true purpose....